I only read so far in then stopped. For I am one of those whose rear view mirror extends all the way back to the days of colonialism here in these lands, when the genocide of indigenous cultures and the onset of Manifest Destiny took place. These lands do not even belong to “us.” The continual crimes from a government, in league with profiteers, with the ability to kill and plunder without retribution, for me, means that until these crimes are stopped, acknowledged, and made just; all the myths and lies will eventually lead to downfall. Not enough people will ever come to this same conclusion to make things right. Too much self interest, too much belief in a system that was never intended to be what all the pretty words declare this nation to be. You cannot plant seeds with selfish intention and expect your fruit to flourish. Too much poison, too much rot, and what surfaces is not something I will ever believe in or follow. I remain an outlier until a revolution of the hearts and minds of people in vast numbers begins to take place. I recognize that that is what many on these sites desire, but our propensity to write about and discuss these things will not lead to such an outcome. To quote the Warden in Shawshank Redemotion, they “are like a fart in the wind.” It will take more than words, though not being an activist, I will just try to survive and find some semblance of joy before I die, or before we all die. I am an antagonist who believe we are a failed species who do not deserve the beautiful Planet we were gifted. Deserving such a gem would require proper stewardship, and we have failed miserably at that. Good riddance humans, the Earth will thrive without our deadly presence.

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Recently somebody, most likely a Democrat, quoted Obama's "Elections have consequences". What they seemed to imply was: if you were stupid enough to vote for Trump, now you've got what you deserve. The real consequences, however, should be some deep introspection on the part of the losers as to what they did wrong, and have been doing wrong for some time now, and how to change going forward. Unfortunately, introspection, self-criticism and responsibility are nowhere to be found either in government or in society at large. What is too painful to own up to, you blame on someone else and indulge in self-pity. While looking in the rearview mirror now and then is a smart practice, people really need not only to keep their eyes on the road but to have a darn good idea of where the hell they're going.

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Thank you for expressing every thought I have had in this moment but didn’t have ability to express.

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The first two sentences of your piece brought to mind a Chinese proverb that featured in the highly system-critical documentary, ‘What a Way to Go: life at the end of empire’, which has become something of a cult classic among highly system-critical people: “If we don’t change our direction, we are likely to wind up where we are headed.”

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Aristotle had it right; tyranny or revolution. We are at that juncture.


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Once again you speak truth to power or lack thereof from Democratic leadership. Has been gnawing on my psyche since the 90's how Dems pissed on the working class, compromised too much on quality of life, water, and air issues, and caved in to corporate interests at the expense of progress. I'll never forgive what Hillary did to Bernie.

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Well-written, and perfectly said!

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Thjank you so much Kathleen. It us si good to see someone so logically put a good part of the blame on the Dumbcrats where it so rightly belongs.

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This is a brilliantly written analysis of how the Democratic Party has failed us. Right now we are marching rapidly towards fascism. Many of us have done all we can to prevent this. My advice to the Democratic Party is to do absolutely nothing to aid the fascistic Republican majority so they can take 100% responsibility for the harm being perpetrated by this lawless Administration. I will continue to speak out and protect the vulnerable in my community.

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TheDems are doing nothing at all. As usual.

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Actually, they are sending out fund raising texts.

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