Sep 4Liked by Kathleen Wallace

There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023


Surgeons to Gaza


Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, in memory of Hind Rajab, or Dr Jumann Afra, the mother of newborn twins killed by Israel using US bombs.

Here’s a petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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Sep 4Liked by Kathleen Wallace

Thank you, Kathleen. You and Caitlin Johnstone are voices of sanity that are needed in today's what passes for a world.

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Sep 4Liked by Kathleen Wallace

Kathleen, thank you.

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Everything is well put and well stated here, and shows the inherent corruption of the American political duopoly. The hope here is that the public will realize this and vote for Jill Stein of the Green Party, the only anti-genocide candidate.

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Gaza is what happens when it's leaders ban abortions to breed armies of aggression. Israel is defending Middle Eastern abortion rights as is India in Kashmir, with nukes, Guyana and Thatcher in the Falklands. Though Biden could improve on the pier concept especially since almost any floating food package including watermelons and oranges can just be dumped offshore at selected times and places and expected to drift up onto the Gaza beaches, though anyone capable of carrying a watermelon can also carry a rifle, so oranges work better.

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Sep 4Liked by Kathleen Wallace

Beautiful piece of writing.

Of all the adjectives used to describe capitalism…. Corrupt, crony, free market, consumer, laissez fare, corporate, transnational, etc….. masturbatory most accurately displays the mindset of its most egregious practitioners. I’ll refrain from the analogies to the trickle down meme.

Well done.

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Sep 4Liked by Kathleen Wallace

Great analysis. Now that the First Amendment is declared by the NYT as "dangerous," you may soon be arrested, too, as was Mary Kostakidis in Australia and Pavel Durov when he landed in France. God forbid we should speak "wrong-think." Stay safe.

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Sep 4Liked by Kathleen Wallace

You left off Richard Medhurst, journalist, and Sarah Wilkinson, human-rights activist, in the UK. They were arrested unter, I mean, under, the Anti-Terrorism law for "expressing an opinion or belief" supportive of a proscribed organization.

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Top-notch analysis, Kathleen!

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Sep 4Liked by Kathleen Wallace

What a wonderfully articulate essay. Thanatos is indeed what many of our leaders embrace. Is this what the MAGA sheep are getting at when they say, "Make America Great Again." (Like e.g. when we genocided the Native Americans and had institutional slavery.) Palestine is Not in My Back Yard, so it's okay. And heck, maybe we can bring it into my backyard if we can start killing the homeless (which the Supreme Court has now declared less-than-human ). If you are (as I was) the victim of out-of-control rising rents and forty years of stagnant wages for the working-class you are (or will soon be) a Palestinian, too.

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