Why invest in making people healthy, when it's much more profitable for companies aided and abetted by government to kill them at home and in foreign countries!
You've covered a lot of the bases on the issue of healthcare in the US, but I feel you are leaving out the two most important ones. People need to take responsibility for their own health, and that is done through a healthy diet and exercise. The Standard American diet is guaranteed to make you sick, and the lack of exercise encourages obesity (Americans tend to be one of the heaviest people in the world), and obesity leads to diabetes, heat disease, depression and multiple other disease. How many people do you know who are in their 50's, 70's and beyond who are healthy?
Wonderfully adroit column. I read it on today's (September 13, 2024) Counterpunch about one half hour ago before I received this email notice. Thank you.
Your observation about how America is an economic machine to extract productivity from its citizens (and I'm paraphrasing, probably badly but I'm trying to get to the gist of the matter) is so true and so important.
That truth is never talked about in this country. Not by the U.S. establishment. Not by the media. Not by politicians or anyone. What "the talk" IS about is all the freedom we have. All the opportunity. Young people have all the "freedom" and "opportunity" they want (there's loads of it we're told) to get the career (it's never just a boring job) they want and to make oddles of money; all they want. (Although one is not going to put much of it away when one is working for the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour and rent is through the roof and just keeps going up.
So while we are sold the line about "freedom" and limetless "opportunity" the great (really diabolical) American productivity machine is squeezing productivity out of each of us (like juice out of an orange) and then throwing the orange peel away.
That's why Americans are angry and depressed. They've been sold a lie and a con. And nobody likes being made into a big fool and then told they have no one but them self to blame.
Why invest in making people healthy, when it's much more profitable for companies aided and abetted by government to kill them at home and in foreign countries!
You've covered a lot of the bases on the issue of healthcare in the US, but I feel you are leaving out the two most important ones. People need to take responsibility for their own health, and that is done through a healthy diet and exercise. The Standard American diet is guaranteed to make you sick, and the lack of exercise encourages obesity (Americans tend to be one of the heaviest people in the world), and obesity leads to diabetes, heat disease, depression and multiple other disease. How many people do you know who are in their 50's, 70's and beyond who are healthy?
Wonderfully adroit column. I read it on today's (September 13, 2024) Counterpunch about one half hour ago before I received this email notice. Thank you.
Your observation about how America is an economic machine to extract productivity from its citizens (and I'm paraphrasing, probably badly but I'm trying to get to the gist of the matter) is so true and so important.
That truth is never talked about in this country. Not by the U.S. establishment. Not by the media. Not by politicians or anyone. What "the talk" IS about is all the freedom we have. All the opportunity. Young people have all the "freedom" and "opportunity" they want (there's loads of it we're told) to get the career (it's never just a boring job) they want and to make oddles of money; all they want. (Although one is not going to put much of it away when one is working for the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour and rent is through the roof and just keeps going up.
So while we are sold the line about "freedom" and limetless "opportunity" the great (really diabolical) American productivity machine is squeezing productivity out of each of us (like juice out of an orange) and then throwing the orange peel away.
That's why Americans are angry and depressed. They've been sold a lie and a con. And nobody likes being made into a big fool and then told they have no one but them self to blame.
My God - things really are better with our creaking , faulty AND expensive NHS !