Dear Kathleen, I'm speechless after reading your poignant and prescient article.


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My deepest thanks, Kathleen. I've been so focused on U.S. foreign policy—thanks to both Patrick and Rob, and yes, GO BRICS!)—I missed the ShiftKey mess. Back when I had my own column in a major daily, I was primarily livid about Clinton's "Third Way." I am 74 now and have been watching this with mounting horror my whole life! The New Deal was intact during my childhood, its basic principles accepted even by the rich, albeit with extreme reluctance. They paid very high taxes. Most of them saw government as a vital check on private-sector power. They actually read and respected the Constitution. They regarded the poor (and unions) as their natural adversaries, but they didn't wish to enslave or impoverish them, much less kill them and replace them with robots. They actually wanted to educate them, and supported the public school system to that end. I think WWII taught them that topdown policies like rationing are essential in times of crisis. I've been calling for fossil-fuel rationing since BEFORE Jimmy Carter asked us to turn down our thermostats. My ideas were regarded as provocative then and I had a lot of readers—until the paper's owner, a Big Ag billionaire, saw me as a threat and had me fired. (Synthetic nitrogen is made from oil, as you know, living in the Midwest where I also live.)

The"libertarian" class (Peter Thiel et al.) seeks to deploy climate breakdown as a weapon against Homo sapiens. In his book Homo Deus, Yuval Harari illuminates their thought process. In my columns I called the new species H. superbus—this was before I read Harari. I tried to alert my readers to the billionaires' plan to manage a human die-off and transition from a low to a high-value-add economy. One such new-age "product" is the extension of their own lives in the vampirish manner mentioned in the comments. I fully endorse Leo's call for revolution. The more of us who use Substack to foment class war the better. My own effort, called Rich People Suck, will be coming to your inbox soon.

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Hi Bonnie. I too made the mistake of agreeing with Leo in an earlier post and now he won’t go away. I truly view him as a Substack plant. There are long established organizations that had insight early on as to what was coming down the pike. They have websites so this trollish creature is not inventing the wheel. Since our political duopoly is incapable of leading out of this quagmire, a total reset will be required. We can call it revolution but I for one do not trust Mr.Gonzales. He may even be Ai generated. I have had some unsettling trolls follow and threaten me previously. We have to be careful and vigilant. It’s a brave new world.

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This is SO interesting, Mr. Kash. Due perhaps to my advanced age, I am a child when it comes to technology. I often see mention of "trolls," especially on Matt Taibbi's Racket News, where commenters are engaged in a fight for his very conflicted soul (he's a lefty who puts free speech above all else and hopes Trump will save the day on that front). I engaged with one of these "trolls" whose name is Karen, unfortunately for her. I discovered a lovely flesh-and-blood person whose top issue happens to be feminism (much frowned upon by many on Racket) and has her own Substack. How do can you tell a troll from a person?

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Good question. Actually a troll can be an actual person as I understand it. I too am of advanced age so I’m not an expert. I view a troll as someone perhaps not so much having a comment or opinion but furthering an agenda for themselves or at the behest of other(s). Sometimes sociopathic. Now with the advent of artificial intelligence, a troll might seem like an actual person but is not. They may be more accurately referred to as a bot. Be careful of DM’s or direct messages via Substack participation. I didn’t know there was such a thing until receiving them. They can be vile. If it’s not a reply email to a comment, I would just delete it. Hope this helps. Perhaps Kathleen would like to jump in on this conversation.

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What a splendid idea. Your thoughts. Kathleen? I've been called a troll myself, on Racket News, which I enjoy because of the high-level and mostly well-informed clash of opinion that its creator stimulates. I love debate, until or unless it gets mean-spirited. But very often people are called trolls, the ultimate insult, when all they are doing is disagreeing. I checked out Gonzales's website. Is starting a revolution through a video game tantamount to trolling? If so, is that because he may seek to monetize his revolution by turning it into a product? Isn't that what we're all doing when we ask for subscribers to our Substack? I'm not denying that trolling is a bad thing (I was shown examples of that when I asked for them online) but I'm still not sure how Leo is a troll. Again, you may know something I don't. This is a whole new world to me and, I must say, yet another reason to be depressed. That nothing is sacred isn't news to me, but I kept hoping something would be worth doing. Leo's ideas about fighting for the planet one purchase at a time is interesting, though I do think talk of tokens smacks of crypto. Scary stuff.

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I would love to think I can recognize a troll, at least the AI/bot kind but that may be pure nonsense on my part since we don't get feedback in regard to our hunches. How would you ever know if you were right?

I did see somewhere that an individual said something like they didn't really have much of a concept of a soul being present in art until the advent of AI--then they felt they could see the distinct lack of a soul in those images (lol and also the 6 fingers maybe). But sometimes I wonder if that's what we are noting when someone just seems so "off". A distinct lack of a human behind the noise. That said, I know a lot of people, especially along the spectrum have specific interests and can come off somewhat robotic in their enthusiasm of the topic. It's all very mysterious interacting with nothing but typed words.

I do like that comment from Istvan: " not so much having a comment or opinion but furthering an agenda for themselves or at the behest of other(s)." I suppose anyone (or thing) coming off in this manner might be best to avoid.

There do seem to be bad actors out there akin to someone hanging around in a bar trying to convince someone broke to sell some drugs and then arresting them. I think it feels entrapmenty (not a word, I'm sure). But it does seem like there is an online component-- sort of like when there are peaceful demonstrations and some weird guys who look vaguely like cops or military show up and start smashing things and then everyone discounts the original intent of the protest. I do think those types walk among us here in internet land (and don't get me wrong, I'm sure some stuff needs smashing, but hopefully you know what I mean).

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What I left out of my input was what is your gut telling you? It’s so easy to get pulled into something antithetical to your beliefs or personal wellbeing. I actually clicked on Leo’s website briefly. Basically scrolled through a bunch of quotes. Easily could have been extracted by a search, Ai or not, of leftist or progressive voices. Even his image, a guy in a hoodie calling for revolution via an app. It’s classic hacker imagery. People get snookered and ripped off all the time. Especially the elderly by way of social media. I am actually a bit concerned for Bonnie. I hope she comes back to this conversation. Ai, to me, feels like a threat on so many levels. But with the US government, all branches including the Supreme Court, being in lockstep to the Trump fascist regime (sorry, don’t know what else to call it), Ai may actually be the tool of or for Big Brother. Orwell was a bit off on his timeline, but this may be what we are heading for.

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Well, just getting a like from the likes of you, Kathleen, has made my day. I must add to your insightful comment about trolls that your reference to protests going rogue hit home too. This happened here in Minneapolis when right-wing "militant" groups infiltrated our peaceful protests over the George Floyd tragedy. They succeeded in hijacking the true story of those protests by setting buildings on fire and creating a narrative that we (the protesters) did it. I was there and actually witnessed the perp fleeing the building as it went up in flames. I must say that the cops who were there to keep us peaceful also earned my respect, as they had to endure endless chants of "Fuck cops!" from "our" side. When one of the cops' teargas canisters hit my car, it was actually my fault. I'd mistakenly driven into an area that had been blocked off. That unforgettable stinging sensation (and the watering eyes) made me nostalgic for my days as a Vietnam War protester back in the late '60s.

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In fine form as always, Kathleen! First, they want your money and your time. Then, they want your votes, your consent, your silence. On top of that, they want access to your personal information, your financial history, your preferences, your habits, your secrets. Now, they want your blood? What will they want next, your bones to make their bread?

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God Almighty, don't be so selfish, Diane. Maybe they have more needs than us lowly mortals.

I'm joking, of course! As I just commented on your recent masterpiece, Kathleen also split the arrow in the middle in this article.

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Got the joke, Frank!

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I am happy to see, Kathleen, that you've put as much blame on the Dumbcrats as the Repulsives.

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I hope comments don’t dissuade you from the insights you put forth. This was yet another laser spot on reflection of where we are as a country and how we arrived here. I wish everyone who is a disillusioned Democrat would read this for clarity. It was not so much the voters who gave us Trump 2.0, but the horrible non alternative. It’s almost incomprehensible how things have arrived at this point, but here we are. There’s no good team, red or blue. Time for a reset (and shut the hell up Lee González in your hoodie disguise.). Go away. There is real authentic resistance to fascism and you are not it. Tell Elon or Peter or whom ever programs you, eat it.

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I could wrack my brain trying to determine the lesser evil. But why bother. The Rs and Ds are both corrupt warmongers and for me that's unacceptable. The criminal institution of Empire so abominable that I'm not going to give it even the slightest bit of approval.

They say that Russia is planning to conquer Europe but this is nonsense. Russia is far too weak to even dream of doing such a thing. They can't even afford to occupy Ukraine. It's just a scary voodoo doll that NATO waves to frighten the people into compliance. It goes like this:: Putin has an insane plan to conquer Europe. How do you know he has this plan? He has the plan because he's insane. How do you know he's insane? Because he has this plan.

Instead the West is trying to subjugate Russia in an attempt to monopolize the entire world. Well, in turn the West is far too weak to do that. They can't succeed. China is bigger, stronger, smarter, and has more friends. But this isn't stopping NATO from trying. It's an emotional drive that is self-destructive. Once things get bad enough their own citizens will put a stop to this foolishness. I say Germany is the first to defect.

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First, nail on the head, again, Kathleen. Thanks for your brilliant clarity.

Now, Patrick, I must step in o let you know Russia is the best country on earth in which to live, followed by China. They are totally different, except their goals of bringing their citizens out of poverty has been accomplished, 70 million for Russia, 800 million for China, denoting their differences in population. Neither Putin nor Xi are dictators and neither have designs to rule the world. That objective is the West's goal, with the US being the dictator, no matter which party is in power. Russia, a democratic socialist country, and China, a purely communist country --meaning the people rule--, both have excellent healthcare and education for all. The US refuses to offer those two necessities to its citizens. It would rather support two immoral and corrupt countries instead. Take heart because BRICS (now 54% of the world's countries by GDP) will prevent the US from its using sanctions like road rage to punish countries who don't do its bidding. The US, Israel, the EU, and the other sycophants, like Australia, for example, will be toast. I might add, cities of Russia and China are spotless, with no homeless. We could be, too, if greed and hubris didn't rule.

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Please don't use the word "you" in your posts. Kindly utilize more general terms. As in, "I must step in o let the world know"

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Patrick, I'm stepping in to let you know that we could create an extraordinary app about Peaceful Revolution and it just might be the greatest sociopolitical movement the world has ever seen. You sound disgusted with warmongers, but are you ready for Revolution? I sure am... www.humbledeeds.com

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"You" again. Sigh. I give up.

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Giving up is counter intuitive and counter revolutionary. "Anyone" not advocating for Revolution is either an apathetic, disillusioned, defeated, jaded, nihilistic dipshit with a mouth to express "their" opinions, or, a full blown fucking retard (sheep) with a mouth to express "their" "opinions" (red-pilled or blue-waved). Revolution is fucking necessary and technology can help us get there, and as "radical" as this might sound, we can fucking build an app for that. Tell me I'm wrong. I dare "anyone" to...

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Blocked another dirtymouth.

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