Another beauty, Kathleen. I once opened up my house to activists protesting some pipeline or other. One of my guests saw my dog-eared copy of "Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution" by Peter Kropotkin sitting on a coffee table. "She has a first-edition Kropotkin!" this young idealist exclaimed. My reputation was made. Fact is, I'd never heard of Kropotkin before I pulled his great masterpiece out of the bookshelf at random ( Ilve in the house my great grandfather built in 1880) and started reading. The book was a revelation. Not just its content but that it had once belonged to my great great grandfather, who was himself an activist of sorts, having fled Ireland during the potato famine. Even back then Darwin's discoveries were up for grabs, intellectually, the anarchists having pitted themselves against the survival-of-the fittest "social Darwinists," whose beliefs about nature have since caused so much mayhem in the world because despite the brilliant efforts of anarchists like Kropotkin, the capitalist industrial free-market supply-siders won.
If the broligarchs had their way, all the undesirables—the sick, the old, the homeless, the mentally ill, the disabled, the dissenters and disgruntled, anyone they cannot gainfully exploit and enslave—would be euthanized while They would live forever in a virtual reality and procreate, with the aid of AIS, a Super Race in their own image. The only worse thing I can imagine is WWIII. But given the prospects, a thermonuclear Apocalypse might be the lesser of two terrifying scenarios.
The more people who are aware of the Yarvin-type thinking, the better. I've only recently come to know it, and it's clear, we need a fresh perspective on what these people, tech oligarchs, including DOGE-Bros, are really up to. They aren't trying to take over and become the new rulers of the existing empire, in the way past tyrannies did. They really do want to bring it all crashing down, snatch up the pieces and put us in a techno-feudal, corporate uh....slave camp, for want of a better word, and world. It is quite clear that their vision doesn't encompass the numbers of people that currently exist. I don't find it all that hard to imagine that quite of lot of what they are doing right now is intended to cull the crop, FKA we the people.
What has long been said, has never been truer, "Use or lose it." That's about where we are folks. "You have a republic, if you can keep it." Better get moving.
I don't recall a campaign promise that US citizens would be treated like employees of Elon Musk, the neo-Grinch who fired thousands of Twitter employees just before Christmas. These two don't understand the basics of economics. They are businessmen who think running a government like a business is the way to go. But they aren't dictators. T listens to the people, so I think they are going to cool it before long.
The tariffs are a highly regressive tax. His base is going to hate the ensuing big price increases. Economists generally agree that this sort of protectionism led to the worldwide Great Depression. Could it happen again? It surely could. Let's hope not. The idea is that tariffs will bring jobs back to the USA, but not likely. At best that will be slow and might not happen at all. The jobs might go to Japan and Germany and Singapore instead.
On the other hand running a trillion and a half dollar deficit has got to stop. It ain't gonna be easy. The whole country is hooked on fake money. This can't go on forever. Whoever takes the punchbowl away isn't going to be popular. That's why DC keeps putting it off.
Ending the Ukraine war will help a lot. Cutting the military budget in half would be a good move. But they might go after Social Security instead. Musk saying he will "destroy it" is just nuts. I don't believe that will happen.
All money is fake. We need to end the concepts of corporate personhood and money as speech, then end the ability to be a billionaire, and end shadow banking.
I’m going to boycott Amazon/Whole Foods and Walmart/Sam’s Clubs from 4/1 - 4/15. Until they feel it in the wallet, none of these oligarchs will give a shit about the misery index.
Another beauty, Kathleen. I once opened up my house to activists protesting some pipeline or other. One of my guests saw my dog-eared copy of "Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution" by Peter Kropotkin sitting on a coffee table. "She has a first-edition Kropotkin!" this young idealist exclaimed. My reputation was made. Fact is, I'd never heard of Kropotkin before I pulled his great masterpiece out of the bookshelf at random ( Ilve in the house my great grandfather built in 1880) and started reading. The book was a revelation. Not just its content but that it had once belonged to my great great grandfather, who was himself an activist of sorts, having fled Ireland during the potato famine. Even back then Darwin's discoveries were up for grabs, intellectually, the anarchists having pitted themselves against the survival-of-the fittest "social Darwinists," whose beliefs about nature have since caused so much mayhem in the world because despite the brilliant efforts of anarchists like Kropotkin, the capitalist industrial free-market supply-siders won.
If the broligarchs had their way, all the undesirables—the sick, the old, the homeless, the mentally ill, the disabled, the dissenters and disgruntled, anyone they cannot gainfully exploit and enslave—would be euthanized while They would live forever in a virtual reality and procreate, with the aid of AIS, a Super Race in their own image. The only worse thing I can imagine is WWIII. But given the prospects, a thermonuclear Apocalypse might be the lesser of two terrifying scenarios.
Thank you Kathleen. Yu elegantly explain how one should never underestimate the stupidy of the American public.
The more people who are aware of the Yarvin-type thinking, the better. I've only recently come to know it, and it's clear, we need a fresh perspective on what these people, tech oligarchs, including DOGE-Bros, are really up to. They aren't trying to take over and become the new rulers of the existing empire, in the way past tyrannies did. They really do want to bring it all crashing down, snatch up the pieces and put us in a techno-feudal, corporate uh....slave camp, for want of a better word, and world. It is quite clear that their vision doesn't encompass the numbers of people that currently exist. I don't find it all that hard to imagine that quite of lot of what they are doing right now is intended to cull the crop, FKA we the people.
What has long been said, has never been truer, "Use or lose it." That's about where we are folks. "You have a republic, if you can keep it." Better get moving.
Thanks Kathleen.
I don't recall a campaign promise that US citizens would be treated like employees of Elon Musk, the neo-Grinch who fired thousands of Twitter employees just before Christmas. These two don't understand the basics of economics. They are businessmen who think running a government like a business is the way to go. But they aren't dictators. T listens to the people, so I think they are going to cool it before long.
The tariffs are a highly regressive tax. His base is going to hate the ensuing big price increases. Economists generally agree that this sort of protectionism led to the worldwide Great Depression. Could it happen again? It surely could. Let's hope not. The idea is that tariffs will bring jobs back to the USA, but not likely. At best that will be slow and might not happen at all. The jobs might go to Japan and Germany and Singapore instead.
On the other hand running a trillion and a half dollar deficit has got to stop. It ain't gonna be easy. The whole country is hooked on fake money. This can't go on forever. Whoever takes the punchbowl away isn't going to be popular. That's why DC keeps putting it off.
Ending the Ukraine war will help a lot. Cutting the military budget in half would be a good move. But they might go after Social Security instead. Musk saying he will "destroy it" is just nuts. I don't believe that will happen.
All money is fake. We need to end the concepts of corporate personhood and money as speech, then end the ability to be a billionaire, and end shadow banking.
I’m going to boycott Amazon/Whole Foods and Walmart/Sam’s Clubs from 4/1 - 4/15. Until they feel it in the wallet, none of these oligarchs will give a shit about the misery index.